
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flip Video Review and Update

I recently was given the chance to try this product because I am a bzzagent on  I thought I would update everyone on how well I'm liking my Flip Video Camera.  I will say I love it!  It is so easy to pull out of your pocket and take a video.  The buttons are easy to use and never confusing.  The FlipShare software that comes with it is also easy to use.  I enjoy that you can directly email or post video to Facebook directly from the software program.  I also have found that the picture quality of Flip Video is very high quality.  The picture is never fuzzy or blurry.  It never shakes either.  I like that you can freeze the video to create still pictures.  I've gotten some really cute still pictures of my kids playing this way.  I only wish the Flip Video had an option to take still pictures also.  For more info on Flip Video products you can check out their website.  I enjoy using my Flip Video to capture my kids running and playing.  It's simple and fun to use.

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