
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Updated Review on Glee

Honestly, I wasn't really sure what to think when I found out I'd be watching Glee.  I had only seen one or two episodes and flipped through it on the TV.  About a month ago I received a copy of the Complete 1st Season to watch.  I put it in and actually found out that I really like the show.  For some reason, I assumed that this show was just for teens, but I was completely wrong.  I've turned into a "GLEEK."
If you haven't watched Glee is on Fox and it combines music, comedy and drama.  It takes place in a high school and they show the day to day interactions between students and teachers.  This show is so great that it draws you in and you just want to keep watching more.  The cast is very talented and I will say that my favorite part of the show is the great music.  I can't wait to watch the next season.  I won't say too much or any more because I don't want to ruin this show for those of you who haven't had a chance to watch it.  If you want to see what Glee is all about check it out here and next time it's on give it a try!

As I stated before, I received the Complete 1st Season of Glee compliments of bzzagent.

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