
Sunday, September 25, 2011


I recently received a really neat kit of goodies from Cerra to review compliments of

I started the day out today with a cup of "gratitude" tea from Cerra.   The tea was the very first thing I tried out.  Right on the package it said "I am feeling grateful for ______ right now."  I personally filled that blank in the word "family."  The tea was wonderful and really helped me gain focus on what I'm grateful for.  It really made me think that I don't stop and just really think about this enough.

I then moved on to trying out some of the "gratitude" hand and body lotion.  The fragrance was light and fresh and I loved it.

They are amazing.  I have been using the tree of seven intentions CD in the evenings to relax and spend a little bit of time doing something for myself.  I am a full time stay at home mommy and I often forget how important that is.  This CD is wonderful for finding time for yourself to just relax.

I also love the Cerra guided journal that will guide me and allow me to stay focused.

If you are interested in finding out more about how to make "you" more important you should check out

1 comment:

  1. How is the guided journal working out? I couldn't find a page example on the web site. I'm wondering what prompts exactly the journal contains. Thanks for your help. :)
