
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Updated Trend Micro Titanium Review

I thought I would update everyone since I have been using the Trend Micro Titanium security software for about 2 weeks now that I received compliments of bzzagnet.  I will say that I love it.  It is the best software that I have used for security on my computer.  I find that it's really user friendly and I don't get all confused when I try and go in and run a scan.  It's simple to use and works great.  I like that it runs smoothly and doesn't bog my computer down.  I don't want to spend most of my day waiting for a security scan to complete and I haven't had that problem with the Trend Micro Titanium.  My all time favorite feature is that it automatically tells you if a link is malicious when you are on Facebook or Twitter.  I really do find it amazing that this software thoroughly checks everything!

I was very excited when I found out that I would get to be part of the Trend Micro Titanium bzz campaign!  I was actually telling my husband a few days ago that we needed to find new security software for our computers because I was not happy with what we were using.  I just set up my Trend Micro Titanium on my laptop and am very impressed.  The first thing I noticed was that it was simple to install and set up.  I was completely done installing and setting it up in 5 minutes.  I uninstalled my old security software first and then followed the directions and the program walked me through the setup.  I also am impressed that the software doesn't bog your computer down.  My previous security software was very annoying and made it impossible to do anything on my computer while a security scan was running.  I noticed with the Trend Micro Titanium software that it was the quickest scan I have ever experienced, but it also didn't make everything run slow.  I am very impatient and I don't want to have to wait an hour to use my computer while it's scanning.

The most amazing thing I found was that this software can tell you if links are malicious on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace.  I am a huge Facebook and Twitter user and I love that this will protect me without any worries.  I am not aware of any other security software that does this.  It is very impressive.

I will continue to use this software and update everyone on my opinion after I have used it longer.  So far I am sold!

If you are interested in purchasing Trend Micro Titanium for your computer you can do so online from Best Buy for a discount and save $30.  Please use the code BZZ30.


  1. I'm a new follower from the FNF hop. Hope you can stop by

  2. Following u back, thanks for stopping by

  3. Following you back, thanks for the follow.

    Nicole Weaver

  4. Following back from Freesocial2011
