
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Easy Homemade Laundry Soap

I have been wondering how to make my own laundry soap from simple products for some time now.  

I started out doing some some of my own research and tried to find recipes for homemade laundry soap.  I am not a person that likes extremely complicated things.  I am the kind of person that feels if something is too complicated to make on my own, well then, it just isn't worth the time.  I found many recipes for homemade laundry detergent.  Some of the recipes I found contained more ingredients than the one I chose.  Some consisted of heating a solution in order to make a liquid detergent.  I really didn't want to get that complicated.  I just wanted a simple way to make my own laundry soap.  There are two reasons I wanted to try doing this.  I wanted to save money on store bought laundry detergent and the I wanted to find something that worked well to remove dirt.  I have a 4 and a 6 year old and sometimes I find that I have a hard time getting their clothes clean.  I sometimes even use pre-treaters on their clothes and they don't get stains out.  I also have a husband that is a machinist and his work clothes are filthy when he gets home.  

I found a recipe that I wanted to try, so I set out to buy the products.  I searched about 4 stores before I found the Super Washing Soda that is used in this recipe.  I know you can purchase it online, but it defeats the purpose of me saving money in making my own detergent if I have to buy it online and pay shipping.  I would call around to locate the product because it just isn't really popular.  Look for it in the laundry isle of your grocery store.  The following is the recipe I used for my own homemade detergent.  

1 bar of ivory soap finely grated (with a cheese grater)
1 cup borax
1 cup Super Washing Soda

Combine the above ingredients in a bowl and mix with a spoon for about 5 minutes.  You don't want big chunks of soap in it.  You want everything to combine well.  You can also use any type of bar soap you want.  I personally had the ivory around and used that.  It also doesn't seem to have too much perfume, so I thought that would be a good choice to use since my kids have sensitive skin.  

To use the laundry detergent just place 1 to 2 tablespoons in the bottom of your washing machine and fill with the water.  I suggest adding the dirty laundry once the machine has started filling with water a little bit.  I have noticed that this laundry detergent has worked just as well as some of the store bought detergents I've purchased.   I am amazed at how well it works to lift dirt out of clothes.  

How much does it cost to make a batch of this?  Well the box of borax was $5, the box of Super Washing Soda was $4, and my Ivory soap comes 3 in a pack for $1.  I tripled the recipe and still have tons of borax and Super Washing Soda left.  I was able to make about a 3 months supply of laundry detergent for my family for about $10.

Note:  The Super Washing Soda is not baking soda.  This is a product found in the laundry isle of your store.


  1. I'll have to try this, sounds simple

  2. Hello! Just stopping by from the Finding New Friends Blog Hop. I'm following you back by GFC,thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I love this idea.I need to save some money!
