
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hot Pants Update and Results #hotinhotpants

A few weeks ago I was given the opportunity to try out HotPants and have been doing the 2 week challenge.  If you didn't get to read my initial review on the HotPants you can do so here.  I first must say that I really like the HotPants.  They are comfortable and really make your workout work for you.  It really makes your workout worthwhile.  I personally only got to wear my HotPants 3 times in the 2 week period that I did the challenge.  If I was able to wear them more during that time I would expect I would see more results.    I do see some results from wearing them and have noticed that it has helped slim my tummy area a bit. I like that I am seeing results and plan on using my HotPants when I workout!  I have posted a picture below of myself after the 2 week challenge.  I will say that I have lost probably about 1/2 a pants size so far, but that's only from wearing them again for a short amount of time.  I can't wait to see how they work over a longer period of time.

Disclosure - I received a pair of HotPants for free in return for my honest opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up to the Mingle With Us Blog Hop. I'm following you back now! Hope to see you again next week. :)

    I have never heard of Hot Pants before and I am definitely intrigued. I will have to check them out.
