
Monday, January 2, 2012

Brothers All Natural Review - healthy snacks!

My kids love fruit.  It's a great healthy snack.  Sometimes it's not always convenient to bring with you or send in lunches (depending on what it is.)  I recently received some Brothers All Natural Fruit Crisps to try and they are a great way to eat healthy on the go.

What are Brothers All Natural Fruit Crisps?  It's freeze dried fruit.  They come in a variety of flavors.  They come in pineapple, mixed berry, organic strawberry, mandarin orange, banana, asian pear, peach and many more too.  They are 100% real fruit snacks.  They are a healthy way to snack and you don't have to worry about added sugar, fat, or preservatives.  They are all natural.

They can be purchased directly from their website or at many retailers.  They can be found at costco,,, Subway, Walmart, Whole Foods and many  more.

So what did we think?  We love them.  They are a tasty and healthy snack for kids and adults.  I like that I can put a package in my son's lunch for school and he'll have something healthy for snack or with his lunch.  They are easy to eat on the go.  They taste like real fruit.  The texture is light and airy.  My kids really enjoyed the strawberry fruit crisps, but my favorite was the peach.  They also offer Disney Fruit Crisps too which are a fun treat for kids!

You can also connect with Brothers All Natural on Facebook and Twitter!

What flavor would you want to try?

Disclosure - I received samples of the above mentioned products to facilitate my review.  All opinions are completely my own as always.


  1. I love snacks like these for kids. I know mine would love them especially the peaches (their favorite fruit). Thanks for the great review.

  2. I love snacks and fruit too but I can't take freeze dried! I'm glad your kids like it though. It's very hard to get kids to eat well at times.

    Happy New Year and Thanks for Stopping by Special Mom Space

  3. Fruit crisps! They sound just perfect for kids lunches! I'd love to try those!

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  4. Thank you for this review!! It's so important to give kids all natural foods because they're not processed like so many others. I honestly eat a lot of their freeze dried fruit too so this post was especially helpful!! Thank you!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! following you through GFC, twitter, g+ and fB


  6. My kids would probably like those, especially apple or banana! Thanks for the information.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I am now following you on GFC, Twitter and Facebook


  7. They look good, Ill have to give them a try! Thanks for following my blog "Its All Random". Following you back!!

  8. Seems to be a good product with natural fruit...
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