
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aerobie® AeroPress® Coffee & Espresso Maker Review and Giveaway 3/21 CLOSED

I'm sure that most of you know by now that I am a coffee lover.  I am always looking for great new ways to make coffee and drink coffee.  When I found out about the AeroPress® I knew it was something I really wanted to try.  It makes a great cup of coffee.

This is a little bit different way to brew coffee.  It took a few minutes to read the instructions.  The AeroPress® used air pressure to brew your coffee.  I have to say it is the neatest thing I have seen for brewing coffee.  It is also said to create a lower acid cup of coffee.  I noticed today that my cup of coffee was rich tasting, but not as harsh as when you make it strong in regular coffee pot.  You don't need to worry about drinking gritty muddy coffee with this.  There is a filter and it keeps any of the coffee grounds from getting in the actual coffee.  The AeroPress® is a very fast way to make coffee too.  Once I heated the water up it was very fast to make.  

I would recommend the AeroPress® if you want a wonderful cup of coffee.  I could taste the difference between my regular coffee pot and the AeroPress®.  The AeroPress® creates a much better and fuller bodied cup of coffee.  It was easy to use!

AeroPress® is made in the USA.  The AeroPress® makes a cup of coffee that is much stronger than most of us drink in the US.  You can dilute this with hot water.  I like my coffee strong, so I loved it!  I have a milk frother and added hot frothed milk to my cup and it was also excellent this way!  

Want to buy your own?  You can find locations that sell them here!  You can also connect with them on Facebook.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 

Giveaway - One reader will with their own AeroPress®.  Open to US residents age 18 yrs of age or older.  You must enter on the Rafflecopter form for your entries to be counted.  The giveaway will end on March 21, 2012 at 8:59 pm PST and will be contacted by email.  The winner will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  The sponsor is responsible for sending out the prize.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like it with a tbsp of cream & 2 sugar packets.

  2. My favorite way to drink coffee is w/lots of cream and sugar

  3. love it with half and half and splenda

  4. I like my coffee black.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  5. With cream and hazlenut syrup!

  6. I have just recently become a coffee drinker, and i still like a very light blend with some yummy flavored creamer.

  7. I like coffee strong, with lots of cream, and sugar.

  8. I love my coffee with flavored creamer and stevia.
    websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

  9. I love it with lots of cream :)
    Ashley S
    ashley dot thur at utoronto dot ca

  10. I drink my coffee with International Delight Chocolate Caramel creamer...SO good!

  11. I drink my coffee with International Delight Chocolate Caramel creamer...SO good!

    I selected the wrong option for how to comment, so I reposted!

  12. I love drinking coffee with lots of sugar lol

  13. Strong! Organic or fair trade, with lots of cream. :)

    vebbae at yahoo dot com

  14. I like it with a little bit of flavored creamer.

  15. I like mine with lots of half and half and sugar.

  16. 1 sugar and vanilla creamer

    amy miller-lynn

  17. Hot with a splash of soy milk
    aabaker at care2 dot com

  18. I drink my coffee straight up and in large quantities!!!

  19. My favorite way to drink coffee is with a little cream and sweet-n-low.

  20. I am the queen of the half caff, splenda, and half-and-half. Yum!

    mprimack at gmail dot com

  21. I froth my milk too...LOVE it like that!!

  22. I drink my coffee with half n half and equal.

  23. I love my coffee with a Flavored Hazelnut Creamer and Stevia

    starseeds88 (at) yahoo dot com
    THANKS!! :)

  24. Looks delish! Can't wait to win. ;)

  25. I like to drink coffee will a little two per cent milk
