
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In Search of the Light - Book Review

I received a copy of the book, "In Search of the Light" and couldn't wait to read it with my children.  My son and I took turns reading.  My 5 year old isn't reading just yet.

This is a beautifully illustrated children's chapter book.  It has great pictures of animals in it that my children really like.  The animal characters make the book a lot of fun.  My favorite is the brave little bumble bee.  It is a story about animals that see an eclipse and are trying to figure out what happened.  They head out on a journey to find out what has happened to the light.  There is a lesson to be learned from the team of 4 that are out on a search.  They are very determined.  I love that it teaches my children that.  The group is led by a horse.  The animal characters are very likable.  They travel through a few different places on their journey.  I love how the book is written.  It has some fun rhyming in it that my kid's enjoyed.  I love that it tells the story of something that seems magical, but they are then able to figure out what really happened.  It's a great way to get your kid's to start thinking about how things happen and work.  This book really held my kid's attention too!

"In Search of the Light"  is written by Leonard Jacobson and illustrated by Fiammetta Dogi.  The book can be purchased online for $16.99 on Leonard Jacobson's website.

This book is an Indie Excellence Winner!  It received an award in the children's book category of inspiration and motivation!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  I want to thank JKSCommunications for sending me some books when I told them that my son was having a book drive at school.  This book is being given to my son's school after the review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 

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