
Monday, February 20, 2012

Mohawk Valley Trading Company Raw Honey Review

The Mohawk Valley Trading Company offers excellent quality honey that is completely organic.  This is really amazing honey!  This is a wonderful raw honey that I recommend!  This is one that honey lovers should try.  The type I received is a Raw Maine Wild Blueberry Blossom Summer Wildfower Honey.  This Blueberry Blossom Honey is so good!  My kid's seem to think you're supposed to eat honey right off a spoon.  I was giving them honey this way because we use it for allergies.  We had tried everything and honey seemed to help them.  We also loved the Raw Honey on toast with peanut butter.  I think it's delicious no matter how you use it.  I know we'll be using it in tea and on our pancakes.  We love honey on our pancakes.  The flavor of this honey is so good.  It has a little bit of a floral flavor.  I love that it is raw!  This  Raw Honey  is not processed at all.  It is never heated or blended.  It is the real thing and you can really taste that when you eat it.  Mohawk Valley Trading Company products have been endorsed by great chefs.  Bobby Flay endorses their maple syrup!  This honey retails for $10 for a 1 lb. jar.   What would you use this in?

Mohawk Valley Trading Company offers 5 varieties of Honey!  They all sound really good to me. Buckwheat HoneyWildflower HoneyApple Blossom HoneyOrange Blossom Honey and Blueberry Blossom Honey.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.