
Friday, February 17, 2012

Skintactix Clear Skin Challenge - Results!

I accepted the 30 day Skintactix Clear Skin Challenge and I'm going to share my results!  I previously told you all how I have had problems with my skin since I was a teen.  I have had a hard time finding a product that will clear my skin and not over dry it.  I think that's more something I need as an adult!  I now not only have to worry about the breakouts, but my skin tends to get dry when I use some products.

I have been very pleased with the Skintactix products for treating breakouts.  What did I like?  It's easy to use.  There are 3 steps to the kit.  The first step is to cleanse - then exfoliate and the last step is to use the Green Tea Poultice.  I love that my skin feels super clean and fresh after I use the products.  I like that this isn't a prescription.  You can simply order it from their website.  I like that it works to get rid of acne, but it also seemed to help me keep it under control.  I seemed to get fewer breakouts.  I like that they offer a few different kits and you can choose depending on your type of skin.  I really liked the sensitive skin kit that I received.  It worked really well to clear up my skin, but it didn't irritate it!  

So here are my results.  I don't have any makeup on, but I did that so you can really see results.  

You can also connect with Skintactix on Facebook and Twitter!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own as always.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

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