
Monday, March 12, 2012

HAAN Steam Mop SI40 Review

HAAN is the manufacturer of some really great products.  They make steam mops, garment steamers, handheld steamers and multipurpose steamers.  HAAN steam mops were created to get your floor clean, but without having to put a ton of effort into it.  The result was a product that was created with great quality.  The HAAN steam mop was created by a housewife and mother in Korea.  The HAAN steam mop is used by 3 out of 4 homes in Korea that use a steam mop!  HAAN steam mops do not use any chemicals.  They clean with the use of water.  The mop uses steam and it kills up to 99.99% of bacteria, mites and viruses.

I received the HAAN Agile S140 Steam Mop for review.  We recently pulled out all of the carpeting in the downstairs area of our home.  We replaced it with hard flooring.  It can definitely be time consuming to sweep and then mop.  I hate doing it and it seems like a never ending job.  I also hate having to fill up buckets and rinse and then dump the water.  It's always a pain.

Today I tried out my HAAN steam mop on my vinyl flooring.  I am not usually good at putting things together.  Most of the time I leave that to my husband.  I was really eager to try my mop out, so I gave putting it together a try.  I had it put together in about 10 minutes.  I was actually steam cleaning my floor within 15 minutes of opening the box.  The assembly is very simple.  To clean hard flooring you just put on one of the pads.  It's really simple to stick the pad on.  When you are done mopping you simply wash the cleaning pad.  I like that the mop itself is very light to use.  The cup you fill with water is on the small side.  I was thinking I would be refilling this constantly, but I was completely wrong.  I steam cleaned my entire downstairs without having to refill the container at all.  The mop itself was very easy to push.  I plugged the steam mop in and it took about 20 seconds for it to heat up.  It usually takes me longer to fill a bucket with water and cleaner.  The mop itself will run for up to 25 minutes.  It took me much less than that to steam clean my flooring downstairs.  I was done in about 10 minutes.  I love that it did an amazing job cleaning my floor and did it without any chemicals.  This is a wonderful product if you have kids or pets.  I love that this particular model (S140) has an attachment that can be used to run along carpets too.  To clean carpets you put on the carpet glide tray.  What does that do?  Well you can use it to sterilize your mattresses, couches, etc.  That is really neat!  This model is also great for getting in corners and around furniture.  It really maneuvers around things well.

This is an amazing product that I would recommend.  It is easy to use.  I love that it does a great job cleaning my floor.  I also like that I'm not using chemicals to clean.  I try to keep the chemicals to a minimum since my kids are always playing on the floor.  The best part is that this product makes my job of cleaning easier.  I like that I didn't have to sit and scrub too hard to get dirt off the floor.  This is a high quality product that is worth the money.  I love that this is made by a mom too.  Do you have an area of your house that you could use this in to make your job easier?

The HAAN Agile S140 steam mop retails for $119.95 and can be purchased right from their website.  This model is actually on sale for $109.95.  I'm not sure how long that price will be offered.  If you are looking for a steam mop HAAN offers a variety of them with different options.  They even have one that sweeps for you too.  It just depends on what you personally want.

You can connect with HAAN on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I could really use this steamer! Cleaning my floors right now is such a pain and this would make my life so much easier!!!! Pick me!(
