
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Butterfly Garden by Insect Lore Review

My son absolutely loves bugs.  He always has.  He couldn't wait for our butterfly garden to show up!  When we received the butterfly garden from Insect Lore we had to open it immediately and set it up.  My daughter was also really excited and couldn't wait to watch the caterpillars turn into butterflies.  

We set up the butterfly garden easily.  The kit comes with great step by step instructions.  They are simple and easy to follow.  I think that is important.  When we received our butterfly garden the first step was to just allow the tiny caterpillars to turn form a chrysalis.  They did this in about 7 days of receiving the kit.  There isn't much to do at this point except watch your caterpillars grow.  They grow from teeny tiny to enormous caterpillars in about a week.  We were really amazed at how huge they got!  When we had all of our caterpillars in a chrysalis we moved them to the butterfly garden.  They simply just sit in there until they emerge as butterflies.  It is really amazing to watch this entire process!  My children truly enjoyed being able to see the caterpillars go through the change to a butterfly.  The butterflies are absolutely beautiful.  It is amazing to see them up close up like this.  It is not often that you get to do that.  I would recommend this for children age 4 and up.  You probably can do this with younger children, but you would definitely have to explain to them not to disturb the caterpillars or butterflies.  We are now feeding our butterflies with a few slices of oranges on the bottom of the garden.  There are a few other options for feeding them also.  I will soon be releasing them, but we have really enjoyed observing them!  This has been a very worthwhile learning experience.

If you want to purchase your own butterfly garden you can order one for $19.99 from the Insect Lore website.  This includes the live caterpillars that are shipped with your kit.  Insect Lore offers a variety of other live insect kits too if you are interested in other types too.  Some of their great kits include worms, ants, plants, frogs and more.  These kits are a great way for little ones to learn about something with a hands on approach.  

You can also connect with Insect Lore on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

1 comment:

  1. This is the best our kids loved watching this process go from maggot like to butterfly - I highly recommend!
