
Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm on the Claritin Mom Crew!

Ok so what does that mean?  I get to interact with a number of other mom's and we talk about how to deal with allergies.  I think this is a great way to gain knowledge on how to handle something.  I also have been provided with great samples from Claritin to share with friends and family.  This is something that I'm going to be keeping in my purse.  I know every time I go to a park playdate there is either a parent or child that is suffering from allergies. If I keep them with me then I can offer them to the parent to see if they want to give Claritin a try!

My entire family is allergy prone.  We get stuffy noses, itchy eyes and sometimes my daughter gets an allergy cough.  We have had to deal with this for some time now.  There have been many times where I have actually thought that my children were sick and it was actually just allergies.  I now know better, but it can be definitely hard to tell when you and your family suffer from allergies badly.

Claritin and Children's Claritin are great because they last 24 hours.  Claritin helps control your allergies to the following - dust, mold, pollen and pets.  The children's formula can be used for children 2 and up.  I like that there is an option other than liquid.  My son and daughter aren't big on taking liquid medication, so they can take the Children's Claritin Grape Chewables.  The Children's Claritin doesn't make them sleepy either.

I also want to say that I have had horrible eye allergies on and off.  Sometimes I will wake up and my eyes will be red and puffy.  The actual white of my eye gets red too.  It looks like I have pink eye.  I have noticed that the Claritin eye drops are great to help my eye allergy symptoms too.

You can also connect with Claritin on Facebook to learn more.

Do you and your family suffer from allergies?  What do you do to alleviate them?

Disclosure - As  a member of the Children's Claritin Mom Crew, I receive product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit.  No monetary compensation has taken place.  All opinions are completely my own and are my honest opinion of my experience.

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