
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Learn to read with Reading Eggs Review

My son loves playing games online, but I like to find games that are educational.  We started playing reading eggs this week and he loves it.  He is 7, but he reads above his level.  I have a hard time with some games because it is hard to gauge what level to buy when it comes to learning materials.  I have my son playing the Reading Eggspress, but they also have other areas for children that don't know how to read yet.  This is a great way for your child to learn to read online.  

My son loves the Reading Eggspress for a number of reason.  Mostly he likes it because it's fun!  He has really enjoyed the different activities he can do.  He can earn eggs for the activities he completes.  His favorite part is that he can use the eggs to buy different things.  He used his eggs to buy a dog.  He loved this!  Ok but honestly I like it too because he can learn so much from the Reading Eggspress.  This is going to be something he's going to be using this Summer to continue developing his reading skills.  There is a library also available through Reading Eggspress and it's awesome.  Your child will read a passage and then have to answer questions about the passage.  This is really great because it is going to help him with reading comprehension.  Another activity that he enjoyed was where he had to choose the work that was either spelled correctly or incorrectly!  This is great practice for him for his spelling tests in school.

If you have a younger child that is just getting ready to read you can use Reading Eggs as a way to help them  learn to read online.  If your child is older then you can have them continue to work on their reading and spelling skills with the Reading Eggspress.  I think that this is a great way to help your child continue to learn.  It is going to be a great way for us to continue working with our son on his reading skills, but do it in a fun way!

You can also get a 14 day free trial by going to their website.  You don't have to make a commitment when you sign up.  I really like that you can try it out first!  You don't even need to give them a credit card for the trial!  You can also connect with Reading Eggs on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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