
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Neocell Blueberry Hyaluronic Acid Review and Giveaway 6/29 CLOSED

Neocell's Blueberry Hyaluronic Acid is something new to me, but I was interested in trying it out.  So exactly what is Blueberry Hyluronic Acid?  It is a liquid supplement that has a bunch of health benefits.  It is said to help with wrinkle reduction, joint health and eye health.  It contains all natural ingredients too!  Some of the ingredients in it include - agave, pomegranate, blueberry, cranberry, elderberry and green tea.  It contains lots of great antioxidants.  It is loaded with lots of minerals and vitamins too.

I tried this out yesterday with my husband.  I figured that it would taste pretty good considering it's made with lots of berries.  We both thought it tasted good.  It tasted kind of like cranberry juice.  You can also mix it into juice or another drink if you don't want to drink it straight.  I know that taste isn't probably number one on everyone's list in a supplements, but I will say if it's something I have a hard time taking then I usually won't take it.  I am excited to continue to take this and see results from it.  This is going to be a supplement that I am going to continue to take.

Do you or someone you know think you could benefit from Neocell's Blueberry Hyaluronic Acid?  If you are interested in purchasing your own bottle you can find out where it can be found here.  Neocell also offers a variety of other collagen based products for the skin too.  You can also connect with Neocell on Facebook and Twitter.

Giveaway - One reader will receive their own bottle of Neocell's Blueberry Hyaluronic Acid!

Open to US residents only 18 yrs of age or older.  The giveaway will end on 6/29/12 at 8:59 pm PST.  The winner will be chosen by via the Rafflecopter widget.  The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  The sponsor is completely responsible for prize fulfillment.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.   

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm interested in it helping joint health, I'm young and already having joint problems, it runs in my family. I also think my mom could really use this

  2. I am interested in joint health and eye health, my eyes are not getting any better as I get older.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  3. I like that it assist in the regulation of cell turnover in the skin, and helps the eyes most of all!

  4. I have arthritis, and I would like to try this for joint health reasons.

  5. Arthritis!
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com

  6. I would take this for joint health.

    crimmy2777 at msn dot com

  7. Ahh, I think the hubby and I could both benefit from its joint health-enhancing properties!
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  8. I could benefit from healthier skin and less wrinkles. :)
