
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Forget Me Not #2 - The Mystic Wolves - BookTour and Book Excerpt

Only a fool would think they could steal from a werewolf …

Anticipating a quiet night alone with the man she loves, Darcy’s world is sent into a spin with the arrival of someone from the past—Mason’s. She is further shocked by the intruder’s claim she may not evenbe the true mate of the Mystic Wolves Alpha. Accusations start to fly, leading to her new enemy beinggranted asylum, and this is just the beginning of trouble.

Relying on the reassurances of Mason and the support of her friends and Pack, Darcy soon falls underattack. Suspicions are raised, and with no other choice, she must flee with Devlin to safety wherehopefully they can untangle the lies hidden behind the use of magic. Time is quickly ticking away, leading to a showdown where everything is on the line.

They need to uncover the truth before it’s too late, or once again, Darcy will need to fight to hold onto her dreams.

Author Bio:
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self
proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest
read, you can find her celebrating her passion for book on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and
creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance
in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can't help but
connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to,
Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!

You can purchase Forget Ne Knot on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords.

You can connect with the author on Twitter, the author's Facebook page and on the blog.

You can read an an excerpt from the book below!

“So, you can’t wait for the mating ritual, huh? Getting a little impatient?” I added a
flirtatious tilt to my head, peering up at him through my eyelashes. We approached the door, and
I leaned back against the frame, not wanting to part ways just yet. “Any reason why you would
want it sooner?”
“I can think of a number of things, Darcy.” He stared at my mouth.
“Name one then.”
He stood there, contemplating which answer to share, when a devious grin crossed his
face. It wasn’t hard to guess what his response would be. He leaned in, tracing the curve of my
cheek with his finger, twirling a strand of hair before resting his forehead against mine. We were
standing so close, our breath mingling—lips barely apart.
“There’s something I’ve been dying to do, but wanted to wait for the right moment. Want to
know what it is?” The tip of his tongue touched my bottom lip, his hands resting at my waist.
I was breathless, and he’d yet to kiss me—the anticipation was that intense. Heat radiated
off our bodies, our individual scents combining and causing us to move in even closer. Every
part of us touched, and my skin felt like it was on fire.
“Tell me.” I moistened my lips, waiting for him to seal the deal. I wanted him to kiss me, it
didn’t matter what kind he chose, just as long as his mouth was on mine and I could taste him.
“Well, I would take you into my arms. Kind of like this.” He stopped long enough to hold
me the way he wanted—one arm around my hips, keeping me locked against his own. The other
was up by my shoulders, letting him bury his hand and fingers into my hair. This way he could
anchor my head to his, holding me steady and at his mercy.
“Then what?” I whispered.
“I would lean in close—making sure every inch of you was against me.”
“Like now?” I moaned softly.
“Closer.” And with a gentle tug, he removed all space between us. The contact ignited
sensations that pulsated, and I felt my head spin. I closed my eyes, trying to ground myself to the
moment, not wanting to miss whatever he had left to share.
“Then I’d nestle my lips against your ear, maybe tug on the lobe a little with my teeth…
definitely nipping softly at the tender skin there.”
I actually whimpered as he demonstrated, the small bites sending shoots of pleasure down
into the soles of my feet. At this rate, if he kept it up, I’d be dragging him into my bedroom—
forgetting any need for purity.
“Mason?” My voice was low and husky. I was completely under his spell—enthralled.
He paused, causing the anticipation level to skyrocket. He could’ve asked for anything at
that moment, and I would’ve handed it to him on a platter.
He travelled lower, down to where my neck met my shoulder line, and swirled his tongue
gently against my skin. I couldn’t stop the shivers that shot through my body. My legs gave way
and not waiting, I moved my head so our mouths finally connected.
It was instant fire. It was his turn to groan as I waited for no invitation, and I parted his lips
with my tongue. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, and gave myself completely over to
Kissing him was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. There was no hesitancy or
holding back. We gave everything, laying our hearts and souls bare. Each time we connected was

something deeper, forging a stronger bond.
Tangling my hand in his hair, I forgot the world. I forgot earlier events. There wasn’t
anything but him. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, both of us breathing heavy, I peered into his
face, enjoying the flushed look I found there. It was an incredible feeling knowing Mason
reacted the same way.
“Wow.” I leaned back in, unable to resist one last brush against his mouth.

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