
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beyond the Ribbon Blend - Ponderosa Coffee Roasting Company Review

Coffee is something that I personally take very seriously!  I have to have my coffee every single morning.  I also think that good quality coffee is important.  Having a good cup of coffee to get my day going right is even more important to me.  

About Ponderosa Roasting Company - 
It was started by Cheryl and her husband.  I find this truly fascinating.  They created a coffee roasting system that has a touch screen control.  Very neat!  This is something that nobody else in the coffee industry has done.  It also has a lot of benefits because of the way the controls are set up.  It has helped create an amazing roast on the Ponderosa Coffee!  They are located in San Diego, CA.  The coffee is made with quality and done so in small batches.

Ponderosa Roasting  Coffee Company offers a variety of different coffees.  They offer flavored coffees, organic coffees, single origin coffees, coffee blends and decaf coffee.  What kind of coffee do you normally drink?  They even have two types of coffee where the proceeds benefit fundraisers.  

They also offer some coffees that are called Coffees with a Cause.  These coffees are not only wonderful, but the idea behind them is neat too!  So what is Coffee with a Cause?  A portion of the proceeds goes towards helping a cause.  I received a sample of Beyond the Ribbon Blend.  The coffee itself was excellent.  It has a great flavor, but it's not acidic.  It was smooth and full bodied.  However, some of the proceeds from this excellent coffee goes towards the Pretty in Pink Foundation.  What is the Pretty in Pink Foundation?  It helps underinsured or uninsured breast cancer patients.  Right now the foundation is just in North Carolina.  They are attempting to expand their efforts to nationwide though!  Each bag of this coffee retails for $12 if you are interested in purchasing your own.

You can learn more about the Ponderosa Coffee Roasting Company by visiting their website.  You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample via facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.   

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