
Friday, August 31, 2012

Destiny Unhinged Book Tour - Excerpt 9/21 Swag #Giveaway and $50 Amazon G/C CLOSED


Read an Excerpt from the Book Below!

First stop, the cemetery on the hill. It is quite large

and overpopulated, and I am so amazed that even though we come

and visit only once a year, my mother and grandmother always

remember the way.

pile out and migrate towards the rear, I slowly adjust my dress

and crawl out the back door.

It is a cool day but by no means too cool for the article

of clothing I am wearing. I do my part by carrying a flat of

marigolds over to Martha’s site. After dropping off, I head for

a stroll. I love to explore the stones and dates. Overflowing

with curiosity, I begin to imagine and deduce what kind of life

these people led and why they passed on. As I make my way up and

down the rows of the old and new, I always end at the old maple

tree towards the back end of the cemetery.

within view but never in vocal range, which is definitely a good

As our car comes to a stop, and they both

Grandma is always

“Hi Max. So what have you been up to lately? It’s our

yearly visit. Whoohoo!” I whisper secretly to the stone I now

stand in front of and graciously begin to kneel as if he was a

member of the family.

it. Not beloved son, not an American flag, not a single flower,

all alone, here by a tree. A few yards over towards the road

there is another neighbor. Zachory Riff, born 1903, died 1957.

At least he was in his fifties, I scuff to myself.

I often wonder the cause for Max’s early death. Nineteen

isn’t that old. My grandmother once told me that he is all alone

at the outskirts because he must not have had any family back in

his day, that or he was a criminal.

Somehow, this is one story my grandmother could not be more

wrong about. I’m certain.

Max Harper. Born 1934, Died 1953. That’s

“Note to self, research the story”. I stand and turn

towards the sound of the humming vehicle approaching just a few

rows away when I feel a tug on my leg. In fact, it is more of an

almighty jerk which awakens my senses and begins to bring chills

up and down my spine.

One moment I am in lala land and now with a bone chilling

paralysis, I am completely frozen with fear, unable to even move

I try to get a grip on reality and pull my left leg

in place but can’t budge. I am even too afraid to look down but

have to, knowing I can’t stay like this forever.

All that my eyes allow me to see is purple air, like

someone just spun around in a circle and dusted the air with one

of those huge purple pixie stixs. My vertigo wants to kick in

and I feel like I’m not alone, as if someone is watching me.

My heart begins to beat out of rhythm from all the

adrenaline that is rushing thru my veins. I’m unable to think

clearly. My head begins to throb as a piercing pain penetrates

my lower calf. All of a sudden a rush of coolness blankets

my body while the wind picks up and begins to loosen strands

of hair from my ponytail holders. Memories of time ago begin

banging softly at the back door of my mind but these are

memories that don’t belong to me, so I refuse to let them in.

Again I try to regain control of my body and try to

focus my willpower into moving my leg but to no avail. I can

persistently feel an even stronger force holding me in place.

I can almost make out a creepy feeling of fingers walking

themselves up the back of my leg and resting in place behind my

knee as I continue to struggle.

I hear a honk, instantaneously, my leg releases from this

invisible force that I’m unable to explain.

“What the freak?” I gasp in pure fright, but I waste no

time, I sprint to the car without a second glance back even

after I reach for the door.

“Looks like the clock stroke midnight my dear” Grandma

chuckles, “or did you see a ghost?”

I don’t even register an acknowledgement to her remark. I

search my leg for any signs from its previous restraint, but I

see nothing. I cautiously try to compose myself as best as I can

and gain control of my sanity, well at least what is left of it.

Destiny Unhinged

VANESSA anxiously waits for her birthday, a boyfriend and some much needed excitement in her dull and boring life. She soon finds herself torn between two guys. Well, I guess that is what she would call them, even though one is a dead Alien King. MAX, a dead alien who is trapped in limbo between two worlds and longs for Vanessa, his destiny, to help him home and become his Queen. He offers her his world, his heart and his future. TOBY, a good looking guy who shows an interest and a desire to be with Vanessa, has confessed that he too has a destiny that he's meant to be with another. However, it’s a destiny he doesn’t want. The connection that Vanessa has with Max is strong but the desire she has for Toby may be even stronger. Will she accept what Destiny has in store for her or find a way to escape to find one all on her own? Purchase on Kindle / Smashwords /Diesel Ebooks / Barnes and Noble  


About Kimber Shook I'm a huge sci-fi fan. I love all the paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi genres, of course, when romance is thrown in, it just makes it even better. I grew up with a desire to write. Now being considered a middle-aged woman I have decided I'm running out of time. I stopped taking for granted the amount of time I have left to live and take matters into my own hands by actually working on a dream. Writing a novel, Destiny Unhinged. It's a great feeling to say I'm not just waiting for life to come to me, but rather I'm going after it and not letting go. Connect with Kimber Shook

Twitter: @KimberShook <>

Follow the Tour Kimber Shook and Promotionalbooktours is be giving away a swag pack and a $50 Amazon Giftcard to one lucky winner open to US International winners win digital ebook and giftcard. Fill out the form below for a chance to win! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Brave New World!
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com

  2. thanks for the giveaway! and i liked reading ergon

  3. The Host by Stephenie Meyer - Thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  4. Twilight! If that is considered Sci Fiction?
