
Friday, August 10, 2012

Reading Kingdom Review

My daughter is 5 and we are working this Summer on helping her learn to read before she starts school.  She will start Kindergarten in the Fall.  I found out about Reading Kingdom and was excited to give this a try with her.  This is an online reading program that is geared for children 4 to 10.  The Reading Kingdom is appropriate for pre-schoolers on up.  The Reading Kingdom teaches important tools that are critical to help your child learn to read.  The best part about Reading Kingdom is it's fun for children and it's easy to use.  My 5 year old caught on to using it in less than a day.  

We started out last week having my daughter take some initial assessments online.  This is something they need to do completely on their own.  It's very tempting to help them out, but you don't want to because you want the level they start at to be accurate.  This assessment is how Reading Kingdom determines what level your child is at.  

Once your child is done with the assessment it moves your child into lessons.  They are a great length to be done in one sitting.  However, if your child needs a break you can have them come back to it the next time you log in.  My daughter really enjoys doing her online lessons and is learning a lot from it.  The lessons are challenging, but not overly frustrating.  How is that done exactly?  Reading Kingdom is unique in that is customizes the lessons for your child's level.  It starts out very basic.  My daughter began with letter recognition and then moved on to words.  This is excellent because not all 5 year old children are at the same reading level!  I also love that my daughter is getting more familiar with the letters and symbols on the keyboard.  The Reading Kingdom is something we will continue to use for our daughter to help her improve her reading skills.  This is also a great program for homeschooling parents or parents that want to give their children a little boost in their reading skills.  I love that my daughter enjoys using this online learning program. She asks me when she can play her computer game.  I love it!

You can also save on a Reading Kingdom subscription by using the following code.


It's good for 20% off your subscription and it is good until 10/15/12

You can try out the Reading Kingdom for free for 30 days.  You can also check out their website for more info about this wonderful online reading program.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.   

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