
Friday, September 14, 2012

J & D's Bacon Pop Review and More!

When I found out about the great items offered by J & D's I couldn't wait to try their products out.  I love Bacon and they offer a huge selection of products that taste like bacon.  Yum!  One of the most interesting products that they offer is the Bacon Pop.  What is Bacon Pop though?  It is bacon flavored popcorn.  I popped some up today and we loved it.  I was expecting an extremely intense bacon flavor and I was very pleased with the light bacon flavor that the popcorn had.  We loved it.  

I also received some Ketchup Salt too!  You are probably thinking that this sounds very different too.  I did, but I was excited to try this out.  If you love the flavor of ketchup, but sometimes don't want to slather it on things then this is a great option.  The Ketchup Salt was excellent on fries, potatoes and rice.  It's got the great flavor of ketchup too.  This would be great on a variety of other things too.  I can see it being great on popcorn or even eggs.  Yum!

Do you love the flavor of bacon combined with chicken or beef?  I do!  I often grill things like fillet or tri tip roast with bacon to give it flavor.  It really adds a good smokey element to your meat.  I love that the Bacon Rub can do that too and easily.  You don't have to worry about strips of bacon falling off the meat either while you grill.  This is an easy way to add some amazing flavor to your food.  I loved this on chicken breasts.  I think chicken and bacon is a great combo and it worked well!  This would even be great on eggs. The possibilities for this are endless.  

I tried J & D's Malt Salt too and this by far was my absolute favorite.  I love vinegar and I'm a huge fan of salt and vinegar chips.  So what do you use Malt Salt on?  I love it, so I would put it on almost anything.  It's great on potatoes, fries, veggies, chips, chicken, fish and more.  It gives your food a great malt vinegar flavor without drowning it in the wetness of vinegar.  I am in love with this product.  My 5 year old is a huge fan of vinegar and she loves this on her food.  What would you try it on?   

J & D's offers so many great products that add amazing flavor to ordinary foods.  What product would you want to try the most?  They are all great.  You can learn more about J & D's by visiting their website.  You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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