
Monday, October 8, 2012

HP XL Ink Cartridge and Walmart shopping trip and $20 g/c Giveaway 10/30 CLOSED

I know it seems like I am constantly running out of printer ink.  I have an HP printer and love it, but I don't love replacing ink all the time.  It really is a bummer when I got to print something and I"m completely out.  HP offers XL ink cartridges.  These cartridges are available at Walmart and  The XL cartridges can save you around 40% on printing.  I personally love the idea of this.  My kids are always printing things out that they need for school.  We go through ink quickly.  I like that with the HP XL ink cartridges that they last longer.  

I was given a $75 gift card to go to Walmart and purchase an HP XL ink cartridge for my printer.  I was told that the remainder of the gift card could be spent on household items and groceries.  My daughter and I went and had so much fun!  The HP XL printer cartridge that I needed was $34.98.  However, I was super excited when I was looking at the cartridges.  My local Walmart store is offering a free $10 Walmart card when you purchase any HP XL ink cartridge.  

So how did I spend the remainder of my gift card?  I picked up some items my family eats and also some printer paper.  I was really shocked by how much stuff I got for $75 and that included the HP XL ink cartridge.  My 5 year old and I were tracking every single item we put in the cart to see how close we got to the $75.  I ended up paying $1.56 out of pocket.  I was really excited too when the cashier handed me another $10 gift card to Walmart for the purchase of my ink cartridge.  You can some some pictures of my shopping haul below.  I think my cat was very pleased with our purchases too!

Giveaway - Enter to win a $20 Gift Card to Walmart!

Open to US residents only 18  yrs of age and older.  The giveaway will end on 10/30/12 at 8:59 pm PST.  The winner will be chosen by the Rafflecopter widget.  The winner will be contact by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.  Mommie of 2 is not responsible for lost or unreceived prizes.

Disclosure - I received a free gift card to facilitate my review from MomSelect.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I don't have a HP printer, but would like to get one

    I am entering as Elena

    elena150980 at yahoo dot com

  2. I do not have an HP printer.
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  3. I do have an HP printer and we do use XL ink cartridges.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  4. I have an HP printer but have not tried this ink yet. Cheryl

  5. do have an HP printer but never tried the XL cartriges

  6. we have an HP laserjet but haven't tried this ink yet

  7. I do not, my sister has the laser printer
    Sandy VanHoey

  8. Have an HP but never tried the XL.

  9. I have a HP Printer, but never tried the XL Ink.

  10. I have an HP Envy which is amazing!!

    arifamily at

  11. I do have an HP but never had the XL

  12. I don't own a HP printer, would love one!

  13. Yes, I love the XL cartridges. We use a lot of ink and these help us not to buy so often.

  14. Yes I have an HP printer.
    Haven't tried the XL ink cartridges - first I've heard of them.
    Thank you.

  15. I don't have an HP printer.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  16. we do have a hp printer but haven't tried this ink
    debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  17. I have an HP printer but have not tired this

  18. I do have an HP printer and I buy the XL all the time. They last longer and I don't have to replace them so often.

  19. have an HP printer but have not tried the XL cartridges

  20. I do not have an HP printer

    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

  21. I have a Hp Printer

  22. Yes we have an HP printer but we have not tried the XL

  23. I have an HP printer, but have not tried the XL ink cartagies.

  24. I have an HP printer, and I have used this ink. I only use my printer mostly to print coupons!

  25. I have a HP printer and I have tried the XL ink. I just bought a bunch at Costco

  26. No I do not have a HP printer at this time, but my brother does and he uses this type of ink! I have printed some papers from his printer! Sounds like really good ink!

  27. I have an HP printer, but have never tried the XL cartridges.

  28. I dont have an HP printer but I would love an XL cartridge
    shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

  29. No, I used to and it broke.

  30. I do have an HP Printer, but have not tried the XL.

  31. I don't have an HP Printer and haven't tried the XL ink
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  32. I have an HP printer no, have not tried the XL catridges...

  33. I don't have an HP printer.

    Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

  34. I do not have an HP printer.

  35. We have an HP printer and have not tried the XL cartridges yet - Thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  36. I do have an HP Printer but have not tried the XL cartridges yet either. I want to ....
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  37. i do have an hp printer and i don't know which cartridges i am using. the other half bought them & idk what he picked.

  38. We have an HP Printer and we have tried the XL ink cartridges. They last so much longer.

  39. I do have an HP printer, but I need to try the cartridges!!

    Jennifer Marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
