
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Naturally Fresh Deodorant Review

Naturally Fresh Deodorant offers some really neat products.  I recently found out about them and knew the they offered items that I wanted to try.  I am one of those people that likes to use products that contain natural ingredients as much as possible.  Naturally Fresh offers a huge selection of deodorant products and more that are products you can feel good about using.

Their products have a number of benefits.  They last for 24 hours.  They are also hypoallergenic and they are cruelty free.  I also really like that they are free of many things including aluminums, parabens and more.  I received 3 great products to try.  I received a Spray Mist Body Deodorant, a Roll-On Deodorant and a MoistStic lip protection.  I love everything.  

My husband and I have very sensitive skin when it comes to deodorant and we were impressed with how well both the Roll-On and the Spray Mist worked.  They are both easy to apply and they last.  I think that is very important.  I like that the Roll-On is fragrance free too.  I don't want my deodorant to interfere with my perfume either. Both of these products keep you smelling fresh all day.  I was truly impressed when I read the ingredient list too on these.  The ingredients are very simple and that's something I feel good about.  The Naturally Fresh Deodorants work with the use of mineral salts.  It's really a neat way to provide odor protection.  

The MoistStic Lip Protection is a great product too.  It really does a great job moisturizing my lips.  I also had to peek at the ingredients in this and was also impressed with how few things are in it.  This is going to be very helpful when it starts getting cold to protect my lips.

If you want to check out more great products available from Naturally Fresh you can visit their website.  You can also learn more by visiting them on Facebook .  They even have a promotion that runs on Fridays on their Facebook page where you have a chance to win free Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal products too!  Some of the Naturally Fresh Deodorant Products can be found at Walmart or you can purchase them directly from their website.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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