
Monday, December 31, 2012

Freekeh Foods Ancient Grain Review

A few years back I started eating healthier.  I started incorporating healthier options into my diet and replacing unhealthy foods with better ones. By doing this, along with portion control and exercise I have kept off about 40 lbs. over the last 4 years.  When I was given the option to review Freekeh I was very interested because it sounded like a healthy food to add to my diet.

Freekeh may be something that you are unfamiliar with.  It is an ancient grain though.  I recently just learned about it too.  Ok so what is Freekeh?  It is a grain that was created in a Middle East village.  Their crop of green wheat we set on fire and that is exactly how Freekeh was created.  Very interesting!

How do you use Freekeh?  I personally use it and cook it similar to rice.  I like to add some mushrooms and onions to it and cook it in broth.  You can use it to create pilaf type dishes, add it to soups, stews or even salads.  It's very easy to prepare.  I like to substitute it for rice in my meals because it's high in protein and fiber.  Freekeh is very flavorful too.  It has a kind of nutty flavor that is very good.  

Freekeh is available in 3 great flavors.  It is offered in original, rosemary sage and tamari.  They are all very good.  My favorite is the original because I can make it exactly how I like it!  Freekeh is available for purchase directly from their website too.

You can also connect with Freekeh Foods on Facebook to learn more.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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