
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lex Cosmetics - Nail Lacquer Review

I love cosmetics, so when I find out about a great company I get excited.  Lex Cosmetics offers high quality nail lacquer.  Lex Cosmetics is a small company that was created by Lex.  She has a passion for cosmetics and polish.  Lex Cosmetics began when she was looking for a specific color of polish and couldn't find it.  She decided to just make it herself.  

I absolutely love the idea behind Lex Cosmetics.  They offer a great selection of beautiful colors.  They offer colors that range from dark greens to pinks.  They have pretty much something that will please every taste.  The prices on the polish are great too.  They retail for $10 a bottle.  Now if for some reason you can't find the color you want then Lex Cosmetics has another option.  They will make the color you want for you.  I love this idea.  Sometimes there are times when you  might want or need a specific color to match a certain outfit.  You can now have it.  This is so much fun!

When you visit the Lex Cosmetics and view all the great colors to shop for their are many choices.  However, you will also notice something right under each of the colors.  The website will tell you what charity that Lex Cosmetics will donate 10% when you purchase that color nail polish.  This is really a neat idea.  You are not only getting a quality polish, but a polish that helps a cause too!  You can click on each color and it will tell you a little bit about the color story.  

I received a bottle of Himalaya.  This is a beautiful dark and rich green.  I love this color and it's great for the Fall and Winter months.  The polish itself goes on nice and smooth.  It dries beautifully and covers well.  I even feel safe using it on my 5 year old because it doesn't contain lots of gross chemicals that I sometimes worry about in polish.  Himalaya is a polish that helps benefit a charity.  It benefits Room to Read.  This charity was established to help children all over the world.

You can visit Lex Cosmetics to learn more and see all the great color choices that they offer.  What color would you want to try out?  I love them all.  There are so many great choices.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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