
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cape Cod Select Premium Cranberries Review

I can't say enough about cranberries.  I truly love these little guys.  They are so tasty.  I love cranberry juice, cranberry sauce and baked goods with cranberries.  Cranberries can be incorporated into so many fun and delicious meals.  I just love them and anything with them in it.  

Cape Cod Select Cranberries offers wonderful cranberries!  I say that because not all cranberries are the same.  Well I didn't know that until I received samples of Cape Cod Select.  Cape Cod Select Cranberries are beautiful.  I opened a package of these guys and could not believe how massive they are.  These are a quality product that is grown by experts.  The berries are flavorful and super fresh.  They are frozen when they are very fresh and you really can tell the difference.

Cape Cod Select Cranberries are grown in Carver, MA.  The cranberries come from a bogs called Edgewood Bogs.  I would classify these as premium cranberries.  The folks at Cape Cod Select are what I would call cranberry experts.

Cape Cod Select Cranberries is offering some new products this year.  Many people incorporate other fruits when they are cooking cranberries.  Cranberries are tart if you don't add sugar of course.  Cape Cod Select offers some really neat frozen cranberry and fruit combinations.  They offer Cranberries and Blueberries and then Cranberries and Apples.  I am thinking of making pie with these delicious combinations!  How does a Cranberry and Blueberry pie sound?  Yum!  

I used the Cranberry and Blueberry mixture to make a banana bread.  It was some of the best banana bread ever.  I also incorporated some chocolate chips in the mix too and it was amazing.  The tartness of the cranberries along with the sweetness of the chocolate chips, blueberries and banana was a wonderful combination.  

I even had fun with Cape Code Cranberries by adding them to drinks.  These add some great flavor to water, but can be added to cranberry juice too.  I added some to some champagne that I mixed with cranberry juice.  They look really pretty in the glass too.

Cranberries not only taste good, but they are so good for you.  Cranberries have so many health benefits.  I am what you would call a cranberry addict.  So why do I like them so much?  Cranberries provide you with urinary tract health.  I actually flush my system with cranberry juice anytime I think I'm getting a bladder infection.  It really works for me too.  Cranberries are also a wonderful source of Vitamin C.  The health benefits go on and on.  They are chocked full of antioxidants and they are good for your heart.  

You can learn more about Cape Code Select Cranberries by visiting their website.  You can also check out all of the neat recipe ideas that they have while you are there.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.      

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