
Monday, January 28, 2013

Pure Market Express Review

I love  healthy food options that taste amazing.  That is exactly what Pure Market Express offers.  They offer products that are natural.  They also offer gluten free and dairy free items.  Their food is raw.  This is something new to me and I have always wanted to try raw food.  Pure Market Express offers a nice selection of raw snacks, meals, desserts and more that make mealtime easy.

I looked around at all the wonderful items from Pure Market Express.  I really had a hard time choosing because everything looked really good.  They offer lasagna, mexi wraps, hummus, pineapple slaw and so much more.  These are all raw foods.  This means that there is no cooking involved in these.  So, the lasagna is assembled with similar ingredients to a cooked lasagna.  However, because it isn't cooked they have come up with amazing variations to these meals to prepare them "raw."  Why eat raw?  Raw foods are very healthy!  They have lots of nutrients in them that way too.

I am a spicy food fan and love to snack, so I picked out some raw chips.  I received to delicious types.  I tried the corn chips and the mexi chips.  These are both really good.  They are made with a variety of raw and healthy ingredients.  They have a nice nutty texture and they are wonderful for dipping.  The mexi chips have a little bit more zip to them than the corn chips do.  We loved them both.  

What are raw chips without something to dip them in right?  I received some really good red pepper corn salsa.  The flavor on this salsa was amazing.  It was fresh and the flavors were bright.  It is wonderful to eat along with the raw chips.  This is a healthy snack that I could eat anytime!  I also received some sassy salsa.  I love this one too with the raw chips.  It has a great fresh flavor and I love the cilantro in it.  It's absolutely delicious.

I love to snack during the day (as I have said) and I received some raw spicy pepitos.  These have really good flavor from the seasonings.  They are a healthy snack and my 5 year old loves them too!    They are a great mid day snack when you are craving something savory.  

You can learn more about Pure Market Express and order these and other delicious items by visiting their website.  You can also connect with them on Facebook too!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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