
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Xlear Nasal Products Provide Releif

I have suffered most of my adult life from sinus and allergy issues.  I am always looking for items that will provide me with relief.  I actually recently got a horrible head cold.  It just happened that I received a Xlear Sinus Rinse the same day in the mail.  I couldn't wait to try it out because I was miserable.  

Xlear Nasal Products are very unique because they contain Zylitol.  Most sinus rinses and products of the sort are just saline.  However, Xlear Nasal products have combined the two for the most effective relief.  Xlear products use Zylitol because it helps provide defense against things like contaminants in the air, dust, pollen, etc.  This is a really neat line of products.  You may be wondering about Zylitol.  Yes, most of you are probably more familiar with it being used as a sugar replacement.  The developers of Xlear have done something really neat because they have found that it also has excellent benefits when it comes to sinuses and keeping your nasal passages healthy.

I received a sample of the Xlear Sinus Care Rinse.  I love it!  It really does a great job cleaning your sinuses and making them feel better.  I got almost instant relief once I used it.  The product is really simple to use.  You fill a bottle with water and put in one of the Xlear packets.  You then squeeze it into your nose and it works great to clean your sinuses.  If you aren't familiar with Sinus Rinses and Netti Pots you might think this sounds odd, but it works great!  

The Xlear Sinus Care Rinse is something I will definitely continue to use on a daily basis.  Xlear also offers a Netti Pot and a Nasal Spray.  You can learn more about their products by visiting them on Facebook and Twitter.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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