
Monday, February 18, 2013

Mommy's Bliss Review

Mommy's Bliss offers safe and natural products.  Many people are familiar with Mommy's Bliss because they make gripe water.  Gripe water is a wonderful product that is natural and is great to help calm fussy babies.  Mommy's Bliss also offers other great products too!

Mommy's Bliss makes a really great bath wash.  Their Sweet Slumber 3 in 1 Baby Wash is a great product to use at bedtime.  I don't have babies, but I have to be sure I use gentle and natural products on my kids.  I tried this out on my 6 and 7 year old and it was great.  Older kids need some relaxation too at bedtime and bathtime!  Mine are usually really wild around bedtime and this was a great way to help calm them.  The product is gentle and great for sensitive skin.  I love the fragrance too.  It is really mild and smells like lavender and chamomile.  The product is really versatile because it can be used as a body wash, bubble bath and shampoo.  My kids love using it as a bubble bath because it really makes lots of bubbles in the tub!

Mommy's Bliss also makes a really good cream.  Their Sweet Slumber Massage Cream is great to use after the bath.  It has a really great fragrance too.  It smells like lavender and chamomile.  The fragrance is mild and very nice.  The cream is very gentle on delicate skin too.  I have probably said 100 times that my kids have very sensitive skin.  This product was very gentle on their skin.  It is calming and I also love that it's very moisturizing too.  I like to use it myself at bedtime.

The Sweet Slumber Mist is the perfect way to help put your baby or child to bed and help them completely relax.  This product is something you simply spray on their bedding and/or pajamas.  It is infused with a calming fragrance that helps your child relax.  I personally love this product too and am a huge fan of lavender.  I spray it on my own bedding too and enjoy the calming effects.  This is also a gentle and natural product that is made with calendula flower.  

You can purchase all of these products directly from the Mommy's Bliss website.  Some of them are also available at select Walgreens.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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