
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Woolzies Dryer Balls #Giveaway 4/1 CLOSED

Are you constantly doing laundry?  I know it seems like I am.  I feel like I go through so many products when it comes to laundry.  There is laundry soap, fabric softening, laundry additives and more.  My biggest problem is that it gets expensive and also my kids have sensitive skin.  I try and stay away from highly perfumed products because we have actually had issues where my kids and I break out in welts from them.

Woolzies are a unique product for drying your laundry.  Woolzies are a product that softens your clothes while drying them, but without having to add anything to the wash.  Woolzies are 100% New Zealand Wool.  They are added when you put your clothes in the dryer.  That means no chemicals or highly perfumed products go into  your clothing.  These are a natural way to dry your clothes.  They do a great job softening the clothes.  

How do Woolzies Dryer Balls work?  They bounce around in the dryer.  This helps separate the items that are in the dryer.  When there is extra space in between the clothes it allows your clothes to dry up to 25% faster.  You simply put in at least 6 dryer balls to help soften your clothes.  The Woolzies are long lasting too.  They last at least 1,000 loads.  That makes Woolzies very reasonably priced because they are so long lasting.  This is a great hypoallergenic way to dry your laundry!  

You can order your own Woolzies Dryer Balls for $34.95 for a set of 6.  These are available directly from the Woolzies website.  You can also connect with Woolzies on Facebook and Twitter too!

Giveaway - Enter to win a package of 6 Woolzies Dryer Balls!

Open to US residents 18 years of age and older.  The giveaway will end on 4/1/13 at 8:59 PM PST.  The winner will be chosen randomly.  The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  Mommie of 2 is not responsible for lost prizes or prizes that are not received.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It cuts down on drying time for a typical load 25%...gotta love this product

  2. I learned that "They deliver the same benefits for laundry as conventional fabric softeners WITHOUT all the nasty chemicals."
    I like that since I don't use fabric softener or dryer sheets. Actually, I don't use the dryer all that much, but these would speed up the drying and soften up the stuff that I do put in the dryer (towels and sheets and small quilts mostly)
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


  3. I learned that the company is based in New York

    lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

  4. I learned they are based out of NY.

  5. I wonder if the lanolin in wool helps soften the clothes too.

  6. I learned that they are hand made and will last for 1,000 loads!

  7. I learned that they are handmade in Nepal and help the women in that country with a steady source of income.
