
Monday, April 22, 2013

The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey Review

I was so excited when a copy of The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey was waiting for me at my door the other day.  My family and I are Lord of the Rings and Hobbit fans.  Let's just say that we have seen the Lord of the Rings movies probably 20 times each.  I expect that we will watch The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey at least that many times.  This is an amazing movie that is definitely worth watching at least once, or in my case 20 times!  

The movie begins with Frodo and Bilbo talking.  Many of us are familiar with the character Frodo because he was in the previous movies.  This is a nice way to start because the majority of this movie follows Bilbo's journey.  It is a great way to introduce him as the main character.  Then Gandalf arrives and he needs Bilbo's help.  Then shortly after, the Dwarfs arrive.  I absolutely love the scene in the beginning with the dwarfs.  They are too funny.  Why has Gandalf and the Dwarfs arrived though?  They need Bilbo's help to reclaim the Dwarf's kingdom and travel to Erebor.  This is a dangerous journey that they have ahead of them to take back Erebor! 

They set out on an amazing journey.  The journey is entertaining.  The journey takes them through so many different dangers.  The movie keeps you on the end of your seat.  I have a 6 and 8 year old.  You would not expect that children of this age would be able to sit for a movie this long.  They have actually sat and watched it for 3 times now.  I am not saying this is for every child this age though.  It truly depends on your child.  My kids have watched this movie with us along with all of the Lord of the Rings movies too.  The movies have inspired my son to want to read the entire set of books too.  He plans on reading these this Summer.  He loves the stories from the movies, so I assume he will love the books too.

I don't want to ruin the movie if you haven't seen it.  The end of the movie proves that Bilbo Baggins is an amazing individual.  He proves to himself and everyone else that he is one courageous Hobbit!  He gets the "precious" ring in his possession at the end of the movie.  This is when he runs into Gallum.  Gallum is such an interesting character and is just as entertaining as ever!

I hope you check out the Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey for yourself!  I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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