
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wooky Entertainment Helps Keep Your Kids Entertained!

With Spring break here the reality of trying to keep my kids entertained has hit me quickly.  What do you do to keep your kids busy during Spring break if you stay home?  We try and do crafts and other fun activities.  It can be hard to come up with new ideas.  It also just became a reality that before I know it my kids will be out of school for the Summer.  That also means that I need tons of things to keep them busy.

Wooky Entertainment has so many great products geared towards kids.  They make entertaining your little one easy when they are bored.  Wooky Entertainment offers Artzooka products, Style Me up products, Design Masters, and more.  They offer crafty type kids, jewelry making, fashion products for girls, games and more.

My son received an Artzooka Comic Book Planes kit.  This kit is perfect for him because he loves making paper airplanes.  Most of the time I end up having to do the majority of the folding.  I like the Azooka Comic Book Planes kit because it has step by step instructions that my 8 year old can follow to make planes himself.  The kit is neat because it comes with more than just instructions on how to make a basic plane.  I like that my son can learn how to make more advanced planes once he masters the more simpler ones.  

We also received a great math based game from Wooky Entertainment.  My 6 and 8 year old really enjoyed playing the game too.  The game is geared towards ages 5 and up.  Mathable Junior is a great game to work on addition, subtraction and number recognition.  I like that there are 2 sides to the board too.  This makes it a game that can grow with your child as they progress and learn more advanced math skills.  Mathable is available in a regular version too and that is more advanced for older children and adults too.

My daughter was in heaven when she saw the Style Me Up products that came.  These are perfect if you have a little fashionista.  My daughter is only 6, so I had to help her with some of these.  She loved them though.  She enjoyed all of the temporary tattoos.  These are really nice temporary tattoos.  We have tried some that are hard to apply and don't last.  These are easy to apply and they last a long time.  She also really enjoyed the lip shine kit.  We had a lot of fun doing this together.  You get to mix up your own lip gloss.  It's fun because you get to add the color, flavor and shimmer.  Style Me Up offers so many great kits geared towards girls.

These are just some of the fun products available from Wooky Entertainment.  I definitely know that many of these items are going to help make my kids Summer break more entertaining this year.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.   

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