
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Book Review: You Can Beat Lung Cancer by Dr. Carl Helvie

Disclosure - free sample provided.

You might be thinking that this is a topic that you normally wouldn't see discussed on my blog.  However, this is a topic that affects a lot of us.  I personally know someone battling lung cancer.  Many of you may know someone going through this too.  It just seemed appropriate for me to review this book when I got a press release emailed to me about it.  I was intrigued and wanted to know more about "You Can Beat Lung Cancer."

If you are diagnosed with cancer suddenly - how do you decide what is the right treatment?  You may have Dr.'s telling you that the traditional method of chemo therapy, surgery or radiation therapy might be the best answer.  Dr. Helvie's book, "You Can Beat Lung Cancer," discusses a huge array of different non-traditional treatments.  Dr. Helvie himself was diagnosed with lung cancer and was told that he had 6 months to live.  He has gone 38 years now as a lung cancer survivor.  This has all been done with the use of non-traditional treatment.

Dr. Helvie's book discusses a number of alternative and holistic treatments.  These range from things like apricot seeds to get rid of the bad cancer cells to B17 supplements.  The book is very easy to read and loaded with information.  The book breaks down the different types of lung cancer.  It give clarification on these and explains them in details.  I found this to be very helpful.  I also like that he touches on diet and exercise that can be beneficial to lung cancer patients.  The book is a wealth of knowledge.  If you or someone you know have lung cancer it is a great resource.  

You can learn more about Dr. Helvie and his book by visiting his website.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.   

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