
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 Review

My husband has recently started trying e-cigs.  This is a great way for him to cut back on regular cigarettes.  Have you tried replacing regular cigarettes with an e-cigarette?  An e-cigarette is an electronic cigarette that provides you with a nicotine vapor.  There is no tar, tabacco, and zero smoke.  The e-cigarette works by giving yo u a vapor of nicotine liquid.  This is a healthier alternative to a regular cigarette. is a company that offers a great selection of e-cigarettes. offers varieties that are both disposable and rechargeable.  Their disposable smokeless cigarettes come in both Classic Tabacco and Cool Menthol.  These disposables e-cigs last up to about 500 puffs.  There is no charging on these and you just throw them out when you are completely done with them.  These are very reasonable priced too.  My husband preferred the Classic Tabacco variety.  He said it had a smooth flavor that was similar to a regular cigarette. also offers rechargeable e-cigs.  We received a starter kit to try out.  My husband said it was really easy to use.  You simply charge this with a USB charger.  It is convenient and easy to charge.  The starter kit comes with everything you need to get started.  It came with the cartridges too in a variety of flavors too.  This kit is really neat because it comes with classic tobacco cartridges, but also Coffee Creation cartridges.  My husband really liked the Classic Tobacco on the rechargeable variety too.  However, he really enjoyed the Coffee Creation cartridges.  He is a huge coffee lover.  He loves drinking coffee with his cigarettes, so this is a neat combination.  They offer so many neat flavors in their cartridges.  Some of the flavors they offer include. . . 

Very Vanilla

Peach Passion

Peppermint Party

Cherry Crush

and more!

You can learn more about all of the great products that offers by visiting their website.  You can even purchase these smokeless cigarettes directly from their website.  You can also connect with on Facebook too!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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