
Thursday, June 6, 2013 Helps You Find Your Perfect Bottle of Wine! Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Do you sometimes struggle with what wine to buy?  It can really be a challenge to decide on what wine to buy when you are staring at a ton of varieties at the store.  There might be a ton of Chardonnays to choose from and in all different price ranges.  What do you do when you need help picking one?  Do you end up picking the most expensive, middle priced, or maybe the cheapest.  I honestly didn't know what to do either unless it was something I had drank previously.  

I want to introduce you to a website that will make picking the right wine simple. helps you decide on what wine to purchase.  It even goes as far as helping you pick out the bottle while you are in the store.  This is so neat. has an iPhone and Android app too.  You can also go to their website and obtain the info too.

So what exactly does Thumbs Up Wine do?  Well it tells you in depth about this wine.  Many people are very particular about wine.  I think it is very important to know exactly what you are getting.  Thumbs Up Wine helps you a lot because the wines have thumbs up or down ratings.  This is super helpful when you are out shopping.  I often make a special dish and want something special to go along with it.  Thumbs Up Wine also gives you wine pairing suggestions.  The website and app provides you with the value of the wine, but also the price that you would normally pay retail.  Lastly, they give you a little tidbit about the wine.  It describes the flavors of the wine.  

Overall, Thumbs Up Wine is an amazingly easy way to pick out a bottle of wine.  I love that I don't have to sit there for 30 minutes at the store anymore getting frustrated over what bottle to buy.  Thumbs Up Wine truly makes buying wine a cinch.

I was given the opportunity to try a bottle with the help of the Thumbs Up WineFinder.  I love a nice red wine that is dry.  Thumbs Up Wine helped me find a great bottle of 2010 Bogle Vineyards Essential Red.  This was a really neat way to learn more about the wine and to know exactly what I would be getting.  I like that everything is broken down easily in language that is simple to understand.

You can learn more about the website or the app for the iPhone or Android Phones by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter too!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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