
Monday, August 5, 2013

Cranberry Pecan Oatmeal from Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

What do you typically eat for breakfast?  I sometimes end up picking the wrong thing if I don't have healthy choices handy. is a company that makes eating a healthy breakfast easy, but also fun.  What do you typically put in your oatmeal?  I know that most people like their oatmeal a certain way and everyone is different.  This is the exact reason that is wonderful.

What is  This is a website that allows you to design your own custom blend of oatmeal. offers so many choices that they pretty much offer something for everyone.  Their website is very easy to use too.  You simply click on build your blend and begin.  You first start out by choosing the amount that you want them to make you.  You can choose your type of oats. The choices range from quick cook to steel cut and more.  I chose a quick cook oat.  You also have the option to add flavorings.  I opted for no favoring, but some of the flavors include almond, dark caramel, honey and more.  I then chose to have cranberries and pecans added to my oats.  Yum!  The last part was to name my special blend.  This was my Cranberry Pecan Oatmeal.

I love this oatmeal from  It really has a lot of flavor from the pecans and cranberries.  You can also opt to have your oatmeal pre-sweetened if you would like.  The oatmeal is not sweet, but you can add your own sweetener at home if you want as well.  The prices from depend on what you put in it.  Overall, I thought that the prices were very reasonable.

You can learn more about by visiting their website.  You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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