
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

J.J. Bear by Tosca M. Schauer - Children's Book Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.  

My children love to read, so we get excited when we find great new books to incorporate into our library of books.  My kids are 6 and 8 and enjoyed the story of J.J. Bear.  This is a children's book written by Tosca M. Shauer.  This is her first published children's book.  The book can be found on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  The book retails for about $16.99 for the softcover and $3.99 for the e-book.  

The book is told from the teddy bear's point of view.  It really is cute.  The teddy bear doesn't know where he is.  He finds himself in a box.  J.J Bear runs into a cat.  My kids love cats, so this part really sucked them into the story.  Charley is the cat with a really cute personality.  J.J. Bear finds himself in what appears to be a factory.  He hears lots of loud noises and sees many things.  J.J. is sad because he was given away by the children that once loved him.  J.J. is eventually found by the maintenance man and he becomes his mascot.  The maintenance man never had a teddy bear as a child!  J.J. Bear ends up being tied to a forklift though.  Eventually, J.J. Bear ended up going home with the maintenance man and given to his daughter.  This is a really cute story My children did learn that they might outgrow something, but maybe they can give it to someone else that can use of.

You can learn more about J.J. Bear and Tosca M. Schauer by visiting her website.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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