
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Moonglow Jewelry Review

Disclosure- free sample provided.

I am sure you know by now that I love jewelry.  I really love unique jewelry too.  I think wearing pieces that are eye catching and fun add so much to any outfit.  What makes a piece of jewelry unique and special to you personally?  I think jewelry that has meaning behind it can also be very special.  I want to introduce you to Moonglow Jewelry.  I honestly have never seen anything like this ever.  

What is Moonglow Jewelry?  You can get jewelry that looks like the moon and glows like the moon in the moonlight.  Neat right?  It gets better.  You can get your piece of jewelry specific to you.  I was given the opportunity to receive a piece and was asked what date I wanted.  So what does that mean?  The date you choose will be what the moon looked like on that date.  I think this is really fun!  You can get these with a child's birthday, spouses birthday, anniversary, or any important date that you want.  

I chose my husband's birthday.  I found out that he was born on a full moon.  The necklace is really neat.  I love that there is a little moon in the center of the charm.  The moon itself glows in the moonlight and glows in the dark.  The style necklace that I received from Moonglow Jewelry is called charmed simplicity.  This is a simple silver charm that hangs from a delicate silver necklace.  I love it.  I get a lot of compliments on it too.

Moonglow Jewelry is a great gift to give if you want to give something unique and meaningful.  You can learn more about their jewelry by visiting their website.  You can also connect with Moonglow Jewelry on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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