
Monday, October 7, 2013

Presence Learning Online Speech Therapy Review and Giveaway 11/1 CLOSED

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Do you have a child that could use some help with their speech?  I spent some of the Summer working with my daughter, but honestly I felt she could use some professional help.  I came across Presence Learning and was truly intrigued about this service.  What is Presence Learning?  They offer online speech therapy that is provided by licensed professionals, but it is done completely online.

How does Presence Learning work?  The speech therapy sessions are done in the comfort of your very own home.  Your child uses a headset and web cam and you then log into an online classroom.  They have great technical support that helps you get everything set up too.  It was very simple.  

My daughter had 4 lessons with a speech therapist through Presence Learning.  I had some concerns about her L and her R pronunciation.  The speech therapist worked with her on these.  The best part about the sessions was that they made it fun for her.  The sessions consisted of her playing online games with the instructor that were related to the letter sounds that she was having difficulties with.  She actually would look forward to doing these and practicing.  I have definitely seen some improvement too in her speech in only 4 sessions.  I love that you get to meet with the speech therapist while you are in the comfort of your own home.  This really helped my daughter feel comfortable too. 

Do you know a child that could use some help with their speech?  You can visit Presence Learning to find out more about how their service works.  You can also connect with Presence Learning on Facebook and Twitter too.

Giveaway - Enter to win 4 speech therapy lessons - along with a headset and webcam.

Open to US residents 18 years of age and older.  The giveaway will end on 11/1/13 at 8:59 pm PST.  The winner will be chosen randomly.  The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  Mommie of 2 is not responsible for lost prizes or prizes that are not received.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I learned they have delivered 250,000 online speech therapy sessions!

  2. I learned that there is a 10 minute complimentary phone consultation for parents :)

  3. I learned that two children can share a single computer for a session led by a single remote SLP or OT.
