
Monday, October 28, 2013

Skeeter Snacks Pinterest Contest - Raising Awareness About Nut Allergies

My children have a number of friends with food allergies.  One of the big ones is nut allergies.  I personally try to be considerate and safe at playdates and events.  I try and offer items that are safe for children that have nut allergies.  Skeeter Snacks are completely safe snacks for children or anyone that has a nut allergy.  

Skeeter Snacks currently has a promotion going on.  They are running a Pinterest contest.  They want to raise awareness about nut allergies.  I think this is truly important.  It's great if you have a child with a nut allergy, but it's also great because I think teaching children who don't have nut allergies is equally important.  

Visit the Skeeter Snacks Pinterest Page here.  The contest will run until December 13, 2013.  The details of the contest are below.  

Participants are asked to share the board with their followers daily during the three month campaign. Points will be awarded for following, re-pinning, liking and commenting on Skeeter Snacks’ pins within the No Nuts About It board. To earn an additional five points, participants can tweet @SkeeterSnacks, tag @SkeeterSnacks on Instagram and post on Skeeter Snacks’ Facebook using an @ mention to say at 
what retailers they found their Skeeter Snacks, along with hashtag #NoNutsAboutIt.  (copy provided by PR company)

I hope you will take a minute to learn more about Skeeter Snacks.  This is a great contest and it only takes a little bit of time to enter.  

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