
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Trixi's Treasures - Review and Giveaway 12/20 CLOSED

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I love to snack and try new food.  I love snack mix.  What is your favorite snack?  I was recently introduced to Trixi's Treasures.  This is a delicious and unique snack mix that they call "treasure mix."  Their idea is that you can turn pretty much anything into something amazing!  That is exactly what they did when they created Trixi's Treasures.

Trixi's Treasures is available in a variety of flavor choices.  I was so excited when my samples arrived and I received some spicy varieties.  We love hot and spicy in our house.  My husband actually confiscated and inhaled the rest of the Wild Ghost Pepper Variety and the Wild Fire Scorpion Pepper variety.  Those two were also my favorites.  The Wild Ghost Pepper Variety of Treasure Mix had a wonderful heat.  It was the kind of heat that got you more in the front of your tongue.  The Scorpion Pepper variety was a little hotter and this was more the kind of heat that got you in the back of your throat.  I loved them both!  They also offer less intense heat varieties like their Original, Mild, and Spicy.  What variety would you want to try?

Ok, so what is exactly in Trixi's Treasures?  It encompasses so many different snacky and cereal foods.  I found pretzels, cheese curls, fruity cereal, and so much more!  It was delicious and a really fun snack.  You can also purchase the mix and add it to your own choice of goodies.  What would you use if you created your very own mix?

You can learn more about Trixi's Treasures by visiting their website.  You can also order these products directly from their website too.

Giveaway - Enter to win a sampler of Treasure Mix varieties.

Open to US residents 18 years of age and older.  The giveaway will end on 12/20/13 at 8:59 PM PST.  The winner will be chosen randomly.  The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  Mommie of 2 is not responsible for lost prizes or prizes that are not received.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love the Wild Fire Scorpion Pepper

  2. The Mild version of Trixi's Treasures would be nice as I'll start off slow!

  3. Less intense mild would be great! Thanks!

  4. I'd like to try the Shantelyn "Gluten Free" Spicy Treasure Mix

  5. Original or Mild would be nice.

  6. I would like to try the Original Treasure Mix.


    I'd love to try the Shantelyn 'Sugar -Free' Treasure Dust Mix



  9. I think I would like to try the Shantelyn Treasure Dust Mixtures, Original.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  10. I would like to try Mild Treasure.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. I would love to try the Shantelyn Nutty Coconut Treasure Mix, thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
