
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Melissa's Produce Citrus Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

It is officially citrus fruit season.  I absolutely love all citrus fruit.  I get excited when this time of year comes around.  I have fond memories of picking fresh citrus off of our trees as a child.  I want to introduce you to Melissa's Produce.  They offer wonderful quality produce.  They are located in the Los Angeles area, but you probably have seen a number of their products at your grocery store.  Their citrus fruit is truly impressive too!  

Meyer Lemons and Cocktail Grapefruit


Melissa's Produce sent me a beautiful selection of citrus fruit.  What is your favorite type of citrus fruit to enjoy?  I personally love Melissa's cocktail grapefruit.  This is not your average sour grapefruit either.  My son typically does not eat grapefruit, but I convinced him to try this.  It was super sweet and flavorful.  My son loved it too!  I also love the kumquats that Melissa's sent me.  This was something new for me to try, but they are absolutely delicious.  These are a tiny citrus fruit that is packed with flavor.  Melissa's Neopolitan Tangerines were the sweetest tangerines I have ever had.  Melissa's also offers Meyer lemons and key limes.  These are great to slice and add to a glass of water.  The Meyer lemons are super juicy.  My kids enjoy making fresh lemonade with them.  Melissa's Cara Cara oranges are a unique citrus fruit too.  These are one of my favorite varieties of oranges.  They have a pinish flesh and are very sweet too.  What variety of Melissa's citrus fruit would you want to try?

Cocktail Grapefruit

Neopolitan Tangerines

These are just some of the wonderful and super fresh produce items that Melissa's has to offer.  You can visit their website to learn more or to order too!  You can also connect with Melissa's Produce on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Cara Cara Oranges

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh yummm, tangerines, I love them. All of it looks so juicy and good
