
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 and Spot Shot #Giveaway 4/10 CLOSED

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I always seem to be cleaning up messes on our floor.  I have found that between my cats and kids I am finding something on our carpet that needs to be wiped up.  What do you use to get tough carpet stains out?  I have tried a number of things and have noticed they work, but then eventually the stain comes back.  I want to introduce you to Spot Shot.

Spot Shot is a product that is an instant carpet stain remover.  It is easy to use.  You can use it on new stains, and even old stains.  I love that this can be used on laundry stains too.  This is perfect for my kids clothing.  My kids tend to drop food on their clothes.  Spot Shot stain remover is easy to use on clothing or carpets.  You simply shake the can.  You spray it on the stain.  I allow it to sit for about 5 minutes.  This allows it to really do it's job well!  You then blot the area clean.  If you have a super tough stain, then you can repeat the steps again.

Spot Shot and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 have partnered together. You can get a free can of Spot Shot at participating retailers when you purchase the Blu-Ray DVD Combo Pack.  The offer is valid through April 30th.

Giveaway - Enter to win a Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 Blu-Ray DVD Combo Pack and a can of Spot Shot.  

Open to US residents 18 years of age and older.  The giveaway will end on 4/10/14 at 8:59 PM PST.  The winner will be chosen randomly.  The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  Mommie of 2 is not responsible for lost prizes or prizes that are not received.  Bloggers that are offering the same giveaway - and review are not eligible to win.  If you have won a giveaway for this product on any blog, then you are not eligible to win.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Grass stains are the worst stains for me!
    terra j sweeps

  2. Grease or anything that is oil based always leaves a mark.

  3. Cooking grease for laundry and dog pee on the carpet.

  4. The hardest for me is grass stains on my kids clothes!

  5. Mud and grass stains! angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. My most difficult stain to get out is mud.

  7. Those darn pet stains! But you can't help but love them!

  8. spaghetti sauce is one of the worst stains to get out of laundry.
    Thank you!

  9. Pet stains from dog are hard to remove.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Grease, definitely, on clothing. We also have some spots on our carpet, that were there when we moved in, which I would love to get out!

  11. I can say chocolate stains and oil stains. :)

  12. Chocolate and juice are my worst enemies!

  13. Yuck, cat throwup/hair balls is my most difficult stain. Spot Shot has worked wonders on it though.

  14. Wine stains are the worst. Ask me how I know this!

  15. blood is the absolute worst to get out

  16. food stains like mustard and red salsa, Thank you!

  17. Pet stains is hard and oil stains are a bummer (hubby works on cars a lot and gets oil on his clothes) I have never tried Spot Shot, but need to look for it.

  18. I would say baby throw up when my kids have acid reflux from things like pasta.

  19. Pet stains! They drag in all kinds of stuff and knock over everything!

  20. The mud from the softball field on my daughters pants are my toughest problem.
    heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

  21. Oh gosh, I hate to say this, but it's the cat and dog vomit....I don't understand why they choose the carpet to barf on, but they do...
    Ann B.

  22. My husband trims trees for a living and often comes home covered in tree sap. Now, that is a challenge!

  23. Food stains on my husband shirts

  24. Juice stains on my carpet are the worst.

  25. Pet stains are the worst for me.

  26. Mud that gets tracked in by the dogs!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  27. Pet stains are my biggest pain
    Jessica Cox

  28. My biggest problem is stains from my dog.

  29. I find grease to be the hardest to get out.

  30. I have a dog who gets muddy paw prints on the carpet. It drives me crazy!

  31. My husband gets grease on his boots from work. That is hard for me to get out of the carpet.

  32. My dog eats food on the carpet instead of on the tile kitchen floor. Silly dog.

  33. My worst stains are grease splatters from cooking, thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  34. My husband is a mechanic so grease and oil stains are the bane of my existence.

  35. Hubbys work grease/oil and red koolaid

  36. Pet stains are the hardest ones for me to get out of the carpet.

  37. The worst stains to get out of my laundry is the grass stains my kids always get on the knees of their jeans.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  38. when the dog has an accident it is hard to get those stains out of the carpet. i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.
