
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Melissa's Spring Produce Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I recently received a beautiful box of super fresh produce from Melissa's.  We are huge fans of Melissa's.  You may have even seen some of their items in your local grocery store.  Melissa's is located in California.  They offer a massive selection of produce.  Their produce is always amazing quality.  You can even order their produce directly from their website.  Their website is wonderful because it has a great selection of recipes.  This is a great way to try new ways to prepare your favorite produce.  It's also great if you want to try out new fruits and veggies, but aren't sure how to prepare them.  

Kale Sprouts

Baby Brussels Sprouts

Baby Organic Beets


 Ojai Pixies

Fava Beans 

I received a beautiful selection of veggies and fruits from Melissa's.  I was most intrigued by Melissa's Kale Sprouts.  Have you ever tried these?  They are so good.  They have a really good flavor.  I sauteed them with a little bit of garlic olive oil, salt and pepper.  My 7 year old loved them.  Melissa's Baby Brussels Sprouts are so good too.  We love them just steamed!  Melissa's also sent me some beautiful rhubarb.  This was so fresh.  It is perfect for pies or jams!  I was also super excited about the fava beans that I received.  I have never tried these.  You simply remove them from the pod.  They can then be blanched and used as a side dish or put on salads.  Melissa's French Echalion Shallots are an excellent alternative to using onion in your cooking.  These french shallots are similar to an onion, but have a more mellow flavor.  Lastly, the Ojai Pixies were a big hit with my kids.  These are a juicy and sweet tangerine.  They have a really nice flavor and are not acidic.  

I also received a preview of Melissa's "The Great Pepper" cookbook.  I love cookbooks.  I find that they are a great way to try new ingredients.  Melissa's has taken cooking with peppers to the next level.  I am truly amazed at all of the wonderful pepper recipes in this book.  They have recipes that use all different kinds of peppers, but use them in a variety of different ways.  The cookbook has snacks, drinks, breakfast, soups, salads, and so much more.  This is truly a cookbook for pepper lovers.  The cookbook contains so many beautiful pictures too.  It would really make a wonderful gift.  The cookbook will be available for purchase on the 15th of April.

You can learn more about all of the super fresh produce that Melissa's offers by visiting their website.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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