
Monday, April 14, 2014

ROMWE creates street fashion uproar via Facebook

Disclaimer -sponsored post.

It is an interesting story that took place with the help of Facebook.

ROMWE has reached so many fashionable women in many ways. . . 

Search “ROMWE” at Google, you will find 6,500,000 webpages results.

Search “ROMWE” at Google Images, you will find 7,500,000 results.

Search “ROMWE” at Google Videos, you will find 825,000 results.

ROMWE has 369,958 likes on its official account at Facebook.

The Alexa rank of ROMWE.COM reaches 5600.

Now, ROMWE is known as a popular women's clothing brand that focuses on street fashion.  It is known by almost all girls that love street fashion in most colleges in Europe and US.  The company was set up on Christmas in 2009. It started to really take off in the second half of 2010. Within only 3 years, it grows in an explosive way. 
However, the team created ROMWE didn't know fashion and women's clothing at all. They are young girls in their twenties that just graduated from college in China.

Currently, the marketing environment is not so good,  and a company with only 3 years’development takes full use of social media especially Facebook to sell fashion women clothing.  How could it create such an uproar in the way that most people don’t support?

We study ROMWE’s marketing in detail, and find that ROMWE’s success meets marketing master Seth Godin’s latest marketing theory perfectly.  Seth Godin said: “Among all the new media in the past 100 years, internet is the first invention that makes advertisers unhappy. The connection between advertising and earning big money is broken. The connection may not happen any more in the future. Once the equation does not hold, the previous concept about marketing, production and channel won’t exist any more. The marketing in new era is based on connections, trust and awareness. Attention is more important than we imaged before. 

90% of ROMWE’s revenue comes from social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Lookbook and YouTube. ROMWE previews new designs on their social media, and modifies according to their fans opinion on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.  They then modify designs again after getting feedback via social media outlets.

If you like ROMWE’s products on Facebook, just click the product and leave a message about wanting to buy it, then enter your email address and size. You will have the priority to get the item, as every design is in limited supply and styles are sold first come first serve. 

ROMWE takes full use of the influence of fashion bloggers. They mail new designs weekly to the top fashion bloggers to enjoy for free. If the fashion bloggers like the design and are satisfied with the quality, they will write about their experience or take some photos in the clothing from ROMWE.  They share this with the public on their blog, Facebook, Instagram or other social media channels.

ROMWE’s design are very special. They gathered many amateur designers interested in fashionable women clothing via social media. The designers just need to send their sketches to ROMWE, and then ROMWE will finish the designs in the following way:

(1) The amateur designers, which are fashion bloggers and ROMWE’s fans, draw sketches and send them to ROMWE;
(2) ROMWE shares the sketches and its designer’s introduction at Facebook;
(3) ROMWE holds a competition to ask their fans to vote for the sketches. The top 3 designs will be produced.
(4) 1000 pieces of each design are produced at first, then ROMWE launches a flash sale of  the design at very affordable prices. Most designs are sold quickly by their fans.

Now, the company gathers more than 1,980,000 fans on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, VK, etc. More than 60,000 pieces of fashionable women's clothing are sold at ROMWE.COM every month. In 2014, ROMWE expects to reach $10 million profit. As ROMWE works in OEM format, they have only 90 employees. 

Combining its website with their social media channels has allowed ROMWE creates a fashion platform.  They have taken full use of the efficiency.  The low cost of interaction of internet economics and the gathering of millions of fans, has allowed them to realize the format of interactive suggestion, design, production and sale. 

ROMWE is so good at social business that its brand is built successfully on social media.
Marketing master Seth Godin said: “ Firstly, you can accept weird things, then consider what people care about your product really want, instead of what most people want. It is totally different. Most people have already have so many choices that they won’t notice you. But people who care about you will listen to you. When you meet such people’s needs, you will get more opportunities to be talked about.”

What ROMWE does is the same as Seth Godin said. ROMWE.COM has a lot of incredible designs. Even though some designs are a little confusing, considering they are just designed by amateur designers, you will understand their vitality. 

Social Media is huge and potential marketing tool. Facebook has more than 1 billion members. Global consulting company Booz & Co predicts that social media income will increase to $30 billion in 2015. It is such a huge and attractive market, but as most people cannot grasp the essential points, they can do nothing but envy. Studying ROMWE in detail, will bring a lot of inspiration to other entrepreneurs.

This is a sponsored post and I will be compensated for the above text.


  1. I've searched their site before, they have an amazing selection of clothes, bags,shoes and accessories!

  2. Ok, looks like I'm behind -- I didn't heard about this company before. Thanks for the information, I checked their store -- lovely clothes and I love their concept to use FB/Pinterest etc as a great tool to promote and sell
