
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Barefoot Refresh Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I love to enjoy a refreshing beverage in the warmer months.  Barefoot has come out with a great selection of refreshing wine options.  Their Barefoot Refresh is light, crisp, and bubbly.  They are great served chilled or over ice.  I could even see mixing these with a great Summer beverage like lemonade.  It would make a super refreshing Summer drink!  These are great to serve at bbq's, picnics, and so much more.  The bottles are pretty too and look great on any Summer table.  

I received four different varieties of Barefoot Refresh to try out.  My husband usually loves a beer in the warmer months, but he even enjoyed a glass of Barefoot Refresh.  His personal favorite was the Barefoot Refresh - Crisp White.  This is a little more dry than some.  It is still slightly sweet though.  I really liked the Sweet White.  This is a sweet white sparkling wine.  The Sweet White is excellent too.  This has a nice fruity flavor, but it is not overly sweet either.  However, it is sweeter than the Crisp White.  Their Perfectly Pink is very light and refreshing.  I personally love the color of this one.  It makes it even more fun to drink!  Lastly, the Summer Red is perfect for those super hot days.  This variety is full of flavor.  

These are just some of the wines that Barefoot offers. You can learn more about all of them by visiting their website.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

1 comment:

  1. These drinks look delicious and I think the Crisp White would be a good one to have with dinner! I bet it tastes good with mexican food.
