
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Save Money and Rent Textbooks with - Campus Book Rentals

Disclosure - Sponsored post.

I remember that textbooks would cost a fortune when I was in college.   Are you a college student that hates dealing with the super high prices of text books? Did you know that there is an alternative to paying these insane prices?  Campus Book Rentals is truly a neat way to get your college text books, but pay a whole lot less.  Campus Book Rentals is a service that provides you with the text books you need at a price that is 40-90% off the bookstore price.  That is pretty impressive.  Campus Book Rentals is a rental service.  This is a great idea because 99% of the time I never actually needed the book again after I finished a course.  Did you know that Campus Book Rentals also offers free shipping both ways?  They have flexible renting periods that meet most people's needs.  I was really impressed that you can even highlight in the books when you rent from Campus Book Rentals.  I really wish they had this kind of a service when I was in college!

Did you know?

Campus Book Rentals has served over 5,871 college campuses.

Campus Book Rentals has served over 100 happy customers.

Watch the video to learn about how Campus Book Rentals works!

So what do you do now if you have text books lying around from last semester?  You can check out Campus Book Rentals for their RentBack Program.  This is a program that allows you to rent your text books to others and make 2-4 times as much money! You can check their website to find out how much your books are worth.

Watch the video to learn how RentBack works!

Campus Book Rentals also donates to Operation Smile for every book that is rented from them.  Operation Smile is a charity that helps children all over who have cleft lip and palate issues, and they provide them with surgery.

Disclosure - This is a sponsored post.  I will be compensated for it, but my opinions are still 100% my own.

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