
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Three Twins Ice Cream Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

My family loves to enjoy ice cream in the warm Summer months.  It is a great sweet treat and perfect after dinner once in awhile.  Do you have a favorite kind of ice cream?  We recently tried Three Twins Ice Cream and honestly thought it was some of the best ice cream that we have ever had.  I also was so excited to see that the Three Twins factory is located in Petaluma, CA.  I am pretty familiar with the area.  Three Twins Ice Cream is a different kind of ice cream.  The flavors are amazing.  They use high quality ingredients to create a wonderful treat!  Their ice cream is organic too.  You really can taste the difference because of the care that is put into the ice cream.

I was sent some coupons to try Three Twins Ice Cream.  I was able to find it at my local Sprouts market.  I had a hard time picking a flavor to try.  I ended up picking Sea Salted Caramel.  I had a hard time choosing because they offer a variety of yummy sounding flavors.  They offer flavors like Mint Confetti, Lemon Cookie, Bittersweet Chocolate, and more.  What flavor would you want to try?  The Sea Salted Caramel flavor is amazing.  It has a really good caramel flavor.  The texture of the ice cream is very smooth and creamy.  I also liked that the ice cream was not way too sweet.  My kids loved the ice cream too.  

You can learn more about Three Twins Ice Cream by visiting their website.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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