
Monday, August 25, 2014

Yonanas Banana Ice Cream Maker Review - Happy National Banana Split Day!

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Did you know that today is National Banana Split Day?  I made a mini banana split with my Yonanas Banana Ice Cream Maker.  This is a great way to enjoy a delicious treat, but in a healthier way.

You can make your very own Yonanas Banana split with their recipe here

I love ice cream, but how do you make a healthier version of ice cream?  I want to introduce you to Yonanas.  This is such a neat machine.  The Yonanas machine turns frozen bananas into banana soft serve ice cream.  You can simply do this with just bananas.  There is nothing else needed.  However, there is the option to add additional ingredients to give it some extra flavor.  You can add pineapple, mango, berries, and so much more.  What kind of banana ice cream would you make?

I started out making plain banana ice cream with my Yonanas machine.  You peel and freeze your bananas.  It is best to use bananas that are super ripe, so you get a nice sweet flavor.  You then remove the frozen bananas and thaw them briefly.  The bananas are then placed into your Yonanas banana ice cream maker.  The result is banana ice cream.  It has a really nice soft serve texture.  It was really creamy too.  The banana ice cream has a really good flavor too.  The Yonanas banana ice cream maker is really easy to use.  This is really a great way to make a quick treat, and it's made with delicious frozen fruit.

You can learn more about the Yonanas Banana Ice Cream Maker by visiting their website.  They offer a few versions of the Yonanas machine.  The price starts at $59.99.  You can also connect with Yonanas on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 


  1. I have always wanted a Yonanas. My daughter freezes bananas a lot for smoothies and does blend them, but this would really be fun to try also. This is a nice healthy treat.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  2. We love our Yonanas machine! I just wish it wasn't so loud.
