
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Melissa's Produce - Grape Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I was so excited to find out that it was grape season.  I love grapes, and so does the rest of my family.  Melissa's offers a huge selection of fresh and delicious grapes.  You can find many of their grapes at local grocery stores.  They also are available for purchase directly from their website.  Their grapes are some of the best that I have ever had.  They also offer some that are unique that I have never tried, but fell in love with.  These are perfect for a healthy snack, but also for lunch boxes.

Cotton Candy

 Candy Sweets

Black Muscato

Green Muscato

Red Muscato

Melissa's Produce offers Muscato Grapes.  These are the variety of grapes used to make the sweet Muscato wine.  The grapes really were impressive.  These grapes were super sweet.  They are available in a black variety, red variety, and green variety.  I loved all of them.  They are nice and crisp, and they have a really nice texture.  Melissa's Cotton Candy Grapes are amazing.  I received some of these.  I haven't had anything like it before.  They actually have a cotton candy flavor.  This is from hand pollination and it took them 8 years to develop these.  However, they are not a a grape that was genetically engineered.  They really are a fun and tasty treat.  Melissa's also offers a Candy Sweets variety of grapes.  These grapes are incredibly sweet.  These were my kids favorite.  They are a small green grape.  

These are just some of the tasty grapes that Melissa's Produce offers.  They also offer a huge variety of other types of produce as well.  We have always been impressed with all the produce we have tried from Melissa's.  You can also connect with Melissa's on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 

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